This Website was created to make the work of selected
photo authors [both famous and less-known] accessible to a broad
interested public and create a forum for news, comment, critique and
exchange of opinion. Our presentation is believed to support the cause of
Art and Photography and to promote the interests of the photographers
featured in our galleries. This Website is and will stay strictly
not-for-profit and there are no commercial sponsors in the background.
Our policy is to create picture galleries in direct cooperation with photographers and the art
galleries or agencies representing them. Since it is often difficult to track the
artistīs contact address, though, we have taken the liberty to copy images from
books and other sources as well, within the guidelines of the American
Fair Use guidelines, as indicated on the MoMA and other
Museum Websites or by Mark Hardenīs
"Masters-of-Photography" Website (see details).
copyright of these imported contents remains with the
original proprietors. Requests to reproduce these contents
should be directed
to the original copyright holders; use of such contents
should comply with their guidelines.
Should anyone feel his proper rights are damaged by the use of his/her
work on this Website, please contact us, so that we can remove your work.
Considerable amounts of labour were invested to do research and to design this
Website. As an as an unique collection
and organization of information, it is the intellectual
property of the web authors and protected by copyright. Linking to this Website and quotation are allowed and
encouraged within the limits of Fair Use and provided the URL
is quoted. Copying our galleries and link
collections or substantial parts thereof into other link collections
or Websites, commercial or not, is not allowed without our